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Rules and Information

Information Leaftlet 2024


 Liezl - 084 990 5844 / Jonas - 072 512 2188 / Paul - 082 699 8993 / Johan - 063 657 4876


  1. The Race will be run according to AMPU & ASA rules​1. 


  3. Obey all Traffic Officials and Race Marshals

Cut Offs (Individual Race):

  1.  21.7KM - 06h30 START - 3 and a half hours cut off

  2.  10KM - 06h30 START -  2 hour cut off

  3.   All races cut off time for 23 November 24 Race 13:00

House Rules:

  1.  Ages: Athletes for 10km must be 14 years or older, 21.7 km 16 years or older, on the day of race, runners must be min of 10 years old.

  2. Proof of age (ID) to be produced upon request on the day of race.

  3. All athletes will participate at their own risk and by entering the event they acknowledge that they are medically fit to participate.

  4. Registered athletes must wear full club colours.

  5.  2024 Licence numbers on the front and back of the vest.

  6. Temporary licence must be fixed on the back of the vest.

  7.  Age category ID tags must be clearly displayed for the duration of the event (back and front) by athletes competing for a category prize and must be fixed on all four(4) corners and not to be covered by rain jacket or any shirt.

  8.  Only athletes with a race number and licenced numbers will be allowed into the event area.  Race number must be worn on the front of the vest.  Next of kin name and contact number must appear on the entry form and race number.

  9.  ASA licence numbers must not be covered with any paper race numbers/race bib.

  10.  Walkers competing for the walkers prize must have the “w” fixed on the left front and back of the vest on all four (4) corners must be fixed.

  11.  No littering, please make use of waste boxes at the start and finish- RUN CLEAN!

  12.    All participants must take note that photographs might be taken at the event and placed on social media.

  13.  The use of earphones during the race is not allowed and will lead to disqualification.

  14.  Team Entries

    1.  All Relay Teams consist of five (5) members, each running one leg of the race
      Walking teams will consist of five (5) members, each walking one leg of the race. and start at 6h30​

    2.  Teams will change batons and finish at the same changeover point and finish line 

  15.  Categories
    1.  Categories:  All teams should select one if the appropriate categories listed on the entry form.​
    2.  School categories:  This is a closed category and each team member must be a bona fide scholar of the school.
  16.  General ​​

    1.  RACE NUMBERS:  Race numbers will be issued and must be worn by each participant on the front of the vest.  Competitors not wearing race numbers will not be
      allowed through the changeovers or into the finish area.​

    2.  RACE BATONS:  The persons running/walking the first leg will start with the baton issued at registration.  The baton must be passed on to the team member
      running/walking the next leg at every changeover.  Teams not finishing with the baton will be disqualified.  Note: only one baton is required per team.

    3.   TEAM COLOURS:  Teams are encouraged to wear clothes or t-shirts representative of the colours of their companies/organisations.

    4.  SECONDING: Under no circumstances will seconding be allowed.  Adequate refreshment stations will be provided at regular intervals along each leg and the

    5. ADMINISTRATION AND RACE CONTRAVENTIONS:  the organisers reserve the right to return any entry form not in keeping with the spirit of the race/  The decision
      of the organisers will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

    6.  MEDICAL ADVICE:  It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that he/she is medically fit to run/walk and to consult a doctor before training for and
      participating in the race.

    7.  OWN RISK: All runners/walkers participate at their own risk and indemnify the organisers, producers, sponsors, national and provincial sports bodies of any claims,
      which might arise, The entry form must be signed accordingly.

    8.  COLOUR CODES FOR RELAY ATHLETES:  The start and each of the changeover points will be colour-coded to facilitate bus transport and ensure that each athlete
      can readily determine the appropriate location of the designated leg.

  17.  PHOTOGRAPHS:  A lot of general photography takes place on the race day.  By entering the event, you give permission to the race organisers to use any photograph
    on which you may appear, on a public platform.  This is mainly used to advertise the event.

Entry Fees and Registration:

  • Individual 21.7km - R130

  • Individual 10km - R85

  • Fun Run - R50

  •  Relay Primary School Teams - R200

  •  Relay High School Teams - R200

  •  Relay Senior Teams - R400

  •  Temporary Licence - R40

​Closing date for all entries: 01 November 2024 or when the 1000 cut-off is reached (Which ever comes first)

MIDDELBURG RAILWAY STATION:  Cnr Weeber & Meyer street, Middelburg

Cell: 063 657 4876 or 084 990 5844 - E-mail -
No cash payments, submit with proof of payment.  Only accepted during office hours 08:00 to 17:00 !

Email -
Webpage - for online registration

Collection of Numbers:

  1. ​Middelburg

    •  Wed 20 Nov. - Fri 22 Nov​ (extended)

    •  Middelburg Railway Station

    • Cnr Weeber & Meyer street

    • Wed 20 Nov

    • 12:00 - 16:00

    • Thurs 21 Nov

    • 08:00-19:00

    • Fri 22 Nov

    • 08:00-14:00

    • Confirm payment of bus fees

  2.  Emalahleni
    •  ​Wed 20 Nov - Thurs 21 Nov
    •  Highveld Mall Edgars Court Info Kiosk
    •  Mandela Road
    •  12: 00-16:00

    • Confirm to Wayne 0731282912 / Jonas 0663043985 / Liezl 0849905844

    •  Confirm payment of parking and bus fees from Witbank High School

    •   Kindly pre-arrange/confirm before collecting large numbers of race numbers/batons​

    •  Individuals and teams entrants are to collect their batons and numbers.​


    • To collected at GTR JOC Table on event day from 04:30 am​

    • No refunds and participation for failing to collect your race packs at provided dates and times.

Start and Finish:

  1.  Runners  Individual and Relay 21.7km Pan Silos - AFGRI 06:30

  2.  Individual 10km Middelburg Dam 06:30

  3. Fun Run 4.7km Opposite Towers /Rustique Entrance 06:30

  4.  All runners finish at Middelburg Railway Station



Bus Transport:

  1. Busses to starting points and change-over points are available from 04:30 am to 06:00 am ONLY.

  2. Busses leave from the finish, Middelburg Railway station, Cnr Weeber & Meyer street

  3.  Emalahleni pick up point at Witbank High School from 04:00 am to 05:00 am ONLY

  4. Bus Fees: R25 Towers or Middelburg Dam (Fun Run or10km), and R50 Pan Station (21.7km) as per entry form application


  1. Witbank High School (Park 'n Ride) 

    • Entrance: Woltemade Street

    • Parking Fee: R30 to be paid with race number collection at Highveld Mall on 20th - 21th Nov from 12:00-16:00

    • Bus Fee: R70 to be paid with race number collection at Highveld Mall on 20th - 21th Nov from 12:00-16:00

    • Departure: 04:00-05:00

    • Return: 13:00-14:00

    • 315 seats available only

  2. Middelburg Train Station 

    • Weeber Str 

    • Parking Fee: R20

    • Departure: 05:00-06:00

  3. Pentecostal Protestant Church & Presence Church 

    • Entrances: 26 & 28 Meyer Str

    • Parking Fee: R20

  4. PPK Lofdal Gesinskerk 

    • Entrances: 78 Sadc St, Middelburg, 1055 

    • Parking Fee: R20

  5. Reminder:
    The R104 between Middelburg Mpumalanga and the N4 will be temporary close on the 23 November 24 for the GTR Race to all vehicles the morning, and will reopen the afternoon after 13:00. 
    Any person needing a vehicle pass please email

Medals and Prizes:

  1. Medals

    1. Gold - GFirst  men and lady on all categories (Open, J, 40+, 50+, 60+) individual races  10km &21.7km​

    2. Silver -      Second men and lady on all categories (Open, J, 40+, 50+, 60+) individual races 10km &21.7km

    3.  Copper - Third men and lady on all categories (Open, J, 40+, 50+, 60+) individual races 10km &21.7km

    4. Bronze - All other finishers

  2. Cash prizes

    1. ​21 kms
      open category: R 1000 (male) R1000 (Female)
      40+ : R500 (Male) R500 (Female)
      50 +: R500 (Male) R500 (Female)
      60+ :R500 (Male) R500 (Female)

    2. 10 kms
      Open Category: R500 (Male) R500 (Female)
      40+: R500 (Male) R500 (Female)
      50+: R500 (Male) R500 (Female)
      60+: R500 (Male) R500 (Female)

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